
Kindergarten Questions and Answers

  • Frequently asked questions and answers

    School starts promptly at 8am every day.

    If you arrive late for school, please go to the front office for a late slip. The office will update attendance for me while I am busy starting class. 


    August 14th: Meet the Teacher

    August 15th - August 30th: 8:00am to 12:15am

    September 3rd - June 17th: 8:00am to 1:45pm


    Monday dismissal is 12:45pm.

    Tuesday-Friday dismissal is 1:45pm.


    Where is Mrs. Clifton's class morning drop off?

    Students will arrive at the playground gate between 7:45am and 8:00am via parents, older siblings, or walking in from the traffic circle. Please hug and kiss your child at the gate and send them in. Students will hang up their backpacks and come into the classroom for free choice time! Class will begin at 8:00am.

    I will help uneasy students come in those first few days/weeks. It is best to kiss them goodbye and walk away quickly. They will move past those feelings faster if you do not linger.  

    Where is the afternoon pick-up?

    All Fuerte kindergartners will be picked at their classroom gates. 

    Please stay outside the gates and wait for your child to be dismissed to you.

    Kindergartners dismiss at 1:45pm starting September 3rd.

    Grades 1st-5th are dismissed at 2:00pm. Older siblings may gather their kindergartners at 2:00pm outside the kindergarten classroom gates and load up in the car line together if you would like to use the traffic circle. 

    After School Care kindergartners will be delivered to the After School Care buildings.

    Please make a family dismissal plan. Please inform teachers of any changes.  

    If you are late, your child will be in the front office waiting. Students will be delivered to the front office at 2pm. 

    What should my child bring to school each day?

    A backpack (labeled)

    Recess snack (labeled)

    A home lunch (labeled) if they do not want a free school lunch.

    Please send a snack if your child is receiving a free school lunch.

    Free School Lunch

    We offer free school lunch every day. Please review the district menu and decide accordingly especially if your child is a picky eater.

    We try our very best in kindergarten to not waste food.  

    Free School Breakfast

    We offer free breakfast from 7:40 to 7:55am. Families need to walk their kindergarteners through the breakfast line, sit with them during breakfast and deliver them to our playground by 8am. The classroom opens at 7:45am so I am unavailable to provide breakfast supervision.    

    What is the bathroom policy?

    I have a bathroom inside my classroom. Students may use the restroom whenever they need to. If I am mid-lesson, I will ask a student, "Can you hold it for a few minutes?" and if not, the student will be excused to the restroom. Students only wait to use the restroom if another child is already inside using it.  

    Is there homework in kindergarten?

    You will not have formal assignments to turn in.

    Please practice the kindergarten Snap Words as needed. I also encourage all families to read voraciously with their children, for fun. Your child will reap the benefits academically and emotionally. 

    When we are studying certain themes, I might ask students to complete "homework" but it is optional and for fun. For example, if we are studying the letter "J" students may bring things from home that start with that letter. We also read little take-home paper books. Homework might be- read this little book to your family tonight.   

    What should my child wear to school?

    Students should wear shoes that allow for running, jumping, kicking, and playing every day. If your student does not know how to tie shoes, please send them in another type of shoe. I will not tie shoes all day.

    Label all jackets and sweaters.

    No flip flops and avoid jewelry as it gets lost in the wood chips under the play structure. 

    How does recess and lunch work?

    Recess: We have a morning recess each day. Please send a small snack (an apple, string cheese, crackers) for morning recess each day. Students will have enough time to eat, use the restroom, and play. Sometimes students are confused about what is snack and what is lunch. I help by picking the smallest item to eat in the morning. Sometimes they pick the entire sandwich... that's okay too. Have that discussion with your child each day. You may also label their snack. Please do not send candy for snack.

    Lunch: Send your child with a home lunch (please label their lunch box or bag). All students may receive a free school lunch. You do not need to notify me. Please tell your child each day if you would like them to grab a school lunch or if they have a home lunch. 

    As a mother of a slow eater myself, I worried about this. Slow eaters will get the hang of it, but they may bring much of their lunch home in the first weeks of school. I will help remind them to eat. Sometimes new friends and the swings are more fun!

    I do not have students throw away uneaten food. I would like you to see what was consumed so you may adjust as needed or understand why your child is hungry when they return home.  

    Water: Please send reusable water bottles (with a name). Water will be kept in backpacks or on the floor under their desks to keep our technology safe from accidents. Juice may be consumed at recess or lunch, but not in the classroom due to ants. No soda at school.

    Please plan food with this in mind: Can my child open this independently? Can they open a GoGurt on their own? Can they peel an orange on their own? Do they need a spoon for this meal?  

    I am monitoring 25 students eating and playing and chatting. Therefore, I am unable to peel oranges, cut GoGurts, etc. Please practice these fine motor skills at home or prepare the item at home. 

    Fuerte PTA and School Community

    Fuerte Elementary is a special place because of the positive parent support and participation. When you hear that Fuerte is a great school, it is because of the community effort as a whole.

    You should receive the Fuerte Flash email each Friday afternoon. If not, please go to the front office to be placed on our school email list. The Fuerte Flash contains important school information each week.  

    Please join the 

    Our school motto is:

    Be Kind

    Be Safe

    Be Productive 

    You can support our school by bringing your child to school on time each day. Please follow the traffic plan to ensure the safety of all students on campus. 

    If your child is absent, please call or email the front office so they can mark your child accordingly. 

    What do you (Mrs. Clifton) need?

    I mostly need you to send your sweet littles to me well rested and with full bellies.

    If you feel the desire to purchase things for the classroom (no pressure, ever), I have an Amazon Teacher Wish List current throughout the year. The items on the wish list are things we especially love and use in kindergarten.

    Fuerte Policies

    Dogs are not permitted on campus.

    Please do not park in marked "staff" parking spots.